Going back to work has been great for me. I did love being a Stay At Home Mom for awhile, but at some point it stopped being fun, started stressing me out, and I began feeling like I was pretty crappy at my non-paying “job”, because I wasn’t getting things done at home like I should have, even though I was home all day and night. Not that parenthood is all about enjoyment, but I just wasn’t enjoying myself at home anymore.
One area where I stressed myself out unnecessarily was Halloween costumes. For some reason, I bought into the idea that I needed to make costumes in order to earn some kind of Mom badge. FALSE.
Yes, the boys’ costumes for the past few years were super cute, and their Octonauts costumes last year that they desperately wanted weren’t available in stores, but I’m here to tell you that I’m so relieved at my boys’ costume choices this year.
A few weeks ago, on our way home from school, I asked Miles (5) and Spencer (3.5) the big question: “What do you want to dress as for Halloween?” And then I held my breath, hoping they weren’t going to say something I couldn’t make and didn’t want to track down online.
Much to my relief, they answered “Spiderman” and “A doctor”. Well it just so happens we have those in their dress-up clothes, thanks to hand me downs and my post-Halloween trip to Walmart last year that yielded about five Halloween costumes for about $10.00!
Miles did change his mind later and instead wanted to dress as a pirate, but we had that too! It’s possible that they chose these costumes because we already have them, but I wasn’t about to challenge them.
Over the weekend, we went to a Walk with the Animals event at a local park where we have a family membership (thanks Mom and Dad!) and the boys got to wear their costumes:

We’re kind of having a hard time getting photos where they actually look at the camera and make normal faces…
They’ll get dressed up again for our church’s Trunkapalooza event on Halloween night, but we won’t be going door to door this year. Halloween falls the day before a big fundraiser at work that I’m co-chairing, so a low stress Halloween is exactly what I needed this year!
How about you? Has your Halloween been a low or high stress ordeal this year?
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