NICU Survival Tip: Go Home?!?!


The NICU can be a scary and overwhelming place. I remember going up to the NICU only a few hours after my C-section so I could see my babies as soon as possible. It will be hard to erase the memory of the frequent 3 minute hand washes, the smell of … Continue Reading

Birth Story: Miles


My birth story begins on Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008.  I went to my 38 week appointment and I was hoping to get some good news (that I had dilated and effaced more) since I'd been having pretty painful contractions off and on.  I was still 1 cm and … Continue Reading

From the NICU to the Breast: Stage 2


This post is part 2 of a post series that I writing about my experience leaving the NICU with bottle fed preemie babies (twins) and our adventure transiting to exclusive breast feeding.  Read about Stage 1 here! Stage 2: Well, unfortunately I … Continue Reading

From the NICU to the Breast: Stage 1

preemie rob twins

This post is part 1 of a post series that I writing about my experience leaving the NICU with bottle fed preemie babies (twins) and our adventure transiting to exclusive breast feeding. After our twin sons' birth at 32 weeks and 3 days gestation, … Continue Reading

Birth Story: Cole and Luke

The birth story of Cole and Luke began a whole month before they were born. For those of you who are unfamiliar with my obstetric history, it all began at 28 weeks when my water broke unexpectedly. The date was Wednesday December 22nd, three days … Continue Reading

When Each Day Counts

I never imagined that we would be in the situation that we are in right now. I had suggested to friends that although our twins weren't due till March, I had a feeling that they would be here closer to Valentines day. I had no clue that my feeling … Continue Reading