The Hunger Games Party Wrap-Up!

I wouldn’t be a very good blogger if I didn’t follow up on the Hunger Games party that my friend Arielle planned and hosted at her home on Friday, March 23rd, the opening day of The Hunger Games film.  I know you’ve all been waiting on the edge of your seat to hear what happened, but don’t fret!  I’m here to help.

First of all, if you haven’t read her guest post here about the party plans, I suggest it.  You could do this party any time, not just for the movie premiere.  Let’s say you’re a teacher who put off having your students read this until after the movie came out (no judgements, I’m just saying I probably would have gone with “Before”) or maybe you aren’t reading this until fall of 2012 and you’re going to have your students read it in the new year (Excellent choice!).  Or perhaps you are reading the trilogy of books with your book club and you’d like to have a special party to end the series.  She has some great ideas for how to celebrate The Hunger Games books and movie with a party!

Party Plan Additions

Arielle came across a really neat of the line “May the odds be ever in your favor” with an arrow and she was able to reproduce it (quite well, may I add) for the party!

She also dressed up as Effie Trinket (spending a ridiculous amount on a curly pink wig, might I add) and her friend Kaila joined us as Katniss Everdeen herself!

The party started around 6 and we all went to the 9:45pm showing of The Hunger Games so we arrived at the theater early.  This is how we spent our time waiting:

Yes, watching Arielle and Kaila (Effie and Katniss) get their picture taken with dozens of teenagers also there to see the movie :)   And behind them is my husband, who made it his mission to photobomb each photo by making a horrible expression in the background.

I’ve decided that in November of 2013, when “Catching Fire” comes out on film, Arielle WILL have another party and Brandon and I WILL go as Nuts & Volts.  (Confused?  Read the book.)

Before we headed to the theater, we took a trivia quiz featuring questions from The Hunger Games, which you can get !  Here’s Brandon and I working hard on our quizzes.

Brandon had read a mere 5 chapters, but had also seen the movie the night before, so he did better than expected (10/20).  At least he had fun!  His favorite answer was to Question #20, What did District 11 send to Katniss as a gift?  His answer?  “A Build-A-Bear gift certificate”  Funny guy.

Party Food

Yes, the food deserves its own heading.  There was so much food there!  We had this table full of yummy deliciousness plus stew and rice.  And people kept bringing more!  As she said in the first post about the party, you can get lots of ideas for Hunger Games-inspired food at

I had planned to bring goat cheese and apple tartlets, but since Arielle isn’t local to us (we were visiting with my parents, who are local to her, the weekend of the party) I thought it might be too much work, so I revised my plan and used the idea  to make something similar.  I used a packaged pound cake (technically Vanilla Loaf from the Walmart bakery), spread goat cheese on it, and topped it with sliced apples.

Super simple and it was a hit!  A small cheer erupted when I brought out the extras I had placed in the fridge when we arrived at the party.  I wasn’t sure they would taste that good but they really were yummy!

Here are some other favorites:

Mockingjay Cupcakes

Real or Not Real? cookies (True, more from “Mockingjay” but still.)

 And a gorgeous cake made by Arielle and Tyler, featuring Rue’s Lullaby!

So there you have it.  A very successful party indeed.  We had a great time and I can’t wait for Arielle’s “Catching Fire” party in about 20 months! :)

Read my review of “The Hunger Games”!

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About Krista

Krista is a full-time working mom of two boys, currently ages 4.5 and 3. She lives in Kentucky with her husband, Brandon.


  1. […] year I did a Hunger Games premier party (a friend of mine blogged about it) and since that was so much fun I had to do another one this year.  Here are some highlights from […]

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