Preschool is a big deal

Comfort Heart for the first day of school

My life is about to change pretty drastically.  I don't mean to be all dramatic about it, but it's true.  Beginning this Friday, my oldest, Miles, will begin attending preschool three half-days a week. It's just now beginning to hit me … Continue Reading

Dis(pin)trested…why I chose to delete my Pinterest account

Pinterest Balloon Busted

Several of you reading this are probably thinking how ridiculous I am for deleting my Pinterest account. Yes, Pinterest at its core is a great concept and awesome for blogging. When I first accepted the invitation to join, I thought it would be a … Continue Reading

Spring has almost sprung!

This Spring weather is awesome.  Right now I'm sitting at my kitchen table with the windows open (well, one of them is open, the other is broken due to hail damage from a few weeks ago) watching my boys play in the backyard.  We recently got a new … Continue Reading

$0 Weekend Project

Crib to Desk

Ever since we started nearing the time when Spencer would move from his crib to a toddler bed, I began thinking of what we could do with the crib.  It is a drop-side crib so we couldn't re-sell or even give it away and though it can be used as a … Continue Reading

Decking Our Halls (And Yours, Too!)

Decorating for Christmas is so fun.  And even more fun than decorating for Christmas is decorating for Christmas in a new house!  We moved into our new house in August and even before we moved the first boxes in, I was thinking about how we would … Continue Reading

Scarves from T-Shirts

Photo on 2011-09-20 at 10.48 #2

I completed yet another Pin.  Don't expect this productivity to keep up, but enjoy it while we can... So here's the thing.  I have mixed feelings about scarves.  I think they look great on people, but I'm not sure I'm one of those people.  I kinda … Continue Reading

My Productive Weekend


You might want to stop what you're doing and listen carefully for the galloping hooves of the Apocalypse horses.  This might be the end of it all, because I, your resident lazy schlub, have been busy.  I don't fancy myself one of those Stepford wives … Continue Reading

Super Hero Crafty Fun!


Have I mentioned how much I love Pinterest?  I did?  Oh good. Right now, there's nothing that gets my dusty, rarely-used crafty self inspired and motivated than looking at all of the fabulous craft and fun ideas on Pinterest.  There are so many … Continue Reading



If you haven't started Pinning yet, there's still a good chance you've seen a Pin.  Maybe on Facebook, Twitter (though they're harder to "see" on Twitter), or maybe another blog.  A neat idea, a crafty craft, a funny photo.  Once you notice Pins, … Continue Reading