Life's A Playdate. Crash It. Fri, 17 Feb 2017 13:26:55 +0000 hourly 1
By: Krista
Fri, 26 Aug 2016 11:46:30 +0000
@Tabi – Absolutely! Shoot me an email,
By: Tabi
Thu, 25 Aug 2016 16:30:51 +0000
Hi Krista!
I found your post on pinterest; my husband and are just starting the process to becomed licensed to foster and we both work fulltime. I would love to talk to you about how you juggle a full time job with fostering and any tips/suggestions!
By: Kamiren
Tue, 09 Feb 2016 04:29:00 +0000
I am having trouble accessing the Amazon list and hoping to get ideas for our own Adoption Shower. If you could provide a full link that would be amazing; thank you!
By: DeAnna Ross
Fri, 22 Jan 2016 14:33:47 +0000
Thank you fr sharing this. What a lovely idea! We’re getting ready for our first placement and I had some of the same thoughts as you. I’ll look for your part 2 as well! Again, thank you! *following*
By: Krista
Sat, 16 Jan 2016 14:06:01 +0000
@Amanda – Haha you know I think we DID go out and get more towels and spoons!! 🙂
By: Amanda
Sat, 16 Jan 2016 13:39:34 +0000
You will need more household items like spoons, towels, etc. It was all a bit overwhelming at first and the expense adds up fast. I may or may not have had a mini nervous breakdown and went to Walmart at midnight because we simply did not have enough clothes hangers 😉
By: Krista
Thu, 31 Dec 2015 13:24:23 +0000
Hi Gayle! Here’s an update:
By: Gayle S.
Thu, 31 Dec 2015 10:24:41 +0000
Hi Krista, Glad I found your post. My family and I are about where you were when you wrote your post. We’re almost ready. Excited to meet our first foster child, but a little anxious too. I look forward to reading an update on how your first foster experience went. Kind regards, Gayle
By: Krista
Thu, 17 Dec 2015 12:58:53 +0000
@Heather – I know, I need to do an update post! Short answer — We’ve had our first placement of two kids since early May (2015) and one of them is leaving next week! It has certainly been a roller coaster! 🙂
By: Heather
Thu, 17 Dec 2015 02:37:51 +0000
How did this all turn out for you?? Found this post on Pinterest and would love an update!
By: Gloria Hunt
Sat, 12 Dec 2015 13:32:14 +0000
I am so happy to have come across this site. We have our final inspection and we will become licensed Foster Parents. Thank you to all your great replays. It gave me so much wonderful helpful information!!
My prayers are with you that all goes well! Thank you for sharing!!
By: Brianne
Thu, 11 Jun 2015 16:18:40 +0000
Great ideas!! How exciting! We always had a stuffed animal and sometimes a small blanket (depending on age) ready for our newest child. They loved the comfort and security of these things. We also always give each child a Jesus Storybook Bible when they come. We read from it often and write special messages in it for them when they leave. I also bought a bunch of small photo albums to have on hand. I think it is so important for kids to have pictures so that later they can hopefully piece things together and see that they were loved. And many foster kids don’t have any pictures of themselves. I also write about special occasions and events for them to remember. Especially when they are younger and have lots of firsts. Good luck!
By: Krista
Fri, 08 May 2015 15:43:42 +0000
@ Vanessa – Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment! I like your ideas! We did do a Welcome To Our Home book and it has been well received!
I am strongly considering getting someone to help with general house cleaning 1x per week!
By: Krista
Fri, 08 May 2015 15:42:28 +0000
@April – Thank you for your comment! Wishing you and your husband all the best as you start the journey! There’s plenty to do in the meantime and you can certainly volunteer your time and energy to a foster care agency or supportive agency like Together We Rise to help the cause!
By: April
Fri, 08 May 2015 03:07:33 +0000
So glad i found this. I just had orientation a couple days ago and will be starting the classes in January. I know it is far out but with my husband in school we have to wait until he graduates. I am a former foster kid and am so except start this journey 🙂 You made such a beautiful room!
By: vanessa
Sat, 02 May 2015 06:35:59 +0000
I’m currently fostering an infant, have previously fostered for short periods of time for one teen, and later on a sibling set of 2, 3, and 5yr. old boys. Some things to consider, and it depends case by case, but would have been handy for us in our situations:
1. an “anger basket.” Pieces pf paper they can shred, balloons filled with sand to squeeze, plastic jar filled with glitter and water- items for when they need a physical release due to stress, anger, anxiety, etc. (A few ideas here: ) Likewise, anything hard/sharp/heavy and loose in the room might be better someplace else (figurines, candles, etc.)
2. If you have tall furniture, such as a dresser, consider securing it to the wall. Had one kid try pulling over a dresser on himself/us.
3. A welcome-to-our-home book might be great. Have house rules, photos of where things are, you and family members with names in it. (Find an example here: )
4. A great sheet for you to have on hand to fill in shortly after they arrive would be a clothing inventory. By the time most kids are in foster care, the possessions they do already have are incredibly special to them. Plus, if there’s more than one child, it helps to know who came with what items. ( )
I hope these help. You never really know what you are going to be dealing with until you are in the midst of it. Having a strong support team of friends and family around is vital. Be prepared for many appointments the first couple of weeks- many things like Dr. visits may be long overdue, so there will be a lot of catching up in that area, as well as possible referrals for services, etc. Those first weeks can be so difficult! If you can have one “go-to” person to help you when you first get your placement, someone to field the requests of family/friends, that may be a good idea. And if you have anyone that would be willing to come help between supper and bedtime, that might be helpful- those hours fly by like a blur!
May God bless you as you seek to serve Him and these children! Oh, last thing, if you happen upon a good deal on a photo album or such, you might have that on hand so you can begin to build a family/home album for them from those they are away from currently. Then add in photos of their time with you.
By: Krista
Mon, 13 Apr 2015 12:31:48 +0000
@Erin – That’s awesome! I’m excited for your family that you’ve made the first steps in this process!
It is difficult to know how to be prepared for different ages.
By: Erin F
Fri, 03 Apr 2015 19:31:57 +0000
We are just starting the process to become Foster parents. We have one son who is almost two. I just found your blog, but I’m looking forward to reading more. I’m having such a hard time getting the room ready because I have no idea if we will have a baby or older children.
By: Krista
Mon, 09 Mar 2015 12:08:50 +0000
@Melissa – Thanks, those are great pieces of advice!
By: melissa
Sun, 08 Mar 2015 22:04:06 +0000
I totally agree with Bradley, even though our family is in a different foster/adopt situation. We’ve gotten 3 babies (siblings) in 3 years. I don’t think that there is any real way to prepare yourself for the changes or the chaos. A couple of recommendations.
1) Join the foster care forum. It’s a great place to hash out your issues, read others experiences, and ask advice.
2) Get your schedule trimmed down to a minimum now! You will have an amazing amount of things to do with your foster kids (home visits, doctor appointments, therapy, specialists) so you need to make room for them now.
3) Get your household routines established and working well. Maybe set up a laundry system where you wash (or the kids wash) some kids’ clothes on one day, some an another, maybe towels and bedding on another day, etc. Get a meal schedule in place and start making double meals to put some in the freezer. Get a list of people who can bring you meals when you first get a kid because you need to focus on the child only for those first few days.
4) Get a team around you. If people need to be background checked by the state in order to babysit or to pick kids up from school, then ask them to get that done now. It’s so nice to have a list of people you can call when things fall apart.
5) When dealing with the state, always be child-focused. Use words like “best interest of the child” and stress bio sibling relationships where you can. Don’t be afraid to ask your SW and CASA (GAL) to come at the same time if they both need to see the child. Or even to have two case workers for different cases come at the same time. It doesn’t always work out but it’s awesome when it does 🙂
6) Do everything you can to make this a family experience. Help your bio kids to process everything that’s happening and walk them through the foster child’s case (using appropriate language). Help your bio kids to have compassion and patience for the bio kids but don’t ever compromise on the good of your bio kids in an effort to help a foster kid. If bullying or abuse is happening against your bio kids, then that foster child needs to be moved from your home. Your kids need to see that they’re still important to you. Make sure that everyone in the family knows that secrets are not ok in your house.
7) Don’t feel bad saying NO to the state about anything! Never take a child that you don’t feel “right” about. Placement workers will always gloss over difficult behaviors or perhaps not mention them all together. Watch out for words like “no one else will take him/her.”
8) Pray and love then love and pray some more!
Sorry for the essay. I randomly ran across this blog from Pinterest. I don’t mean to say by this list that we have it all together. Instead, these are the things that I wish someone had told me when we started. This journey never happens like we think it’s going to be.